I’m happy to announce that My Private Site and Donor Pays Fees are each getting updates today.

My Private Site 3.0.5

My Private Site moves to version 3.0.5, marking what I hope is a final fix for a long-vexing bug: various incompatibilities with the super-popular Elementor plugin and theme.

This took forever to fix because I couldn’t reproduce it here. But thanks to a generous user, Claes, I was able to finally trace the problem. Once I knew what was going on, the fix was relatively easy. Claes actually took the time to send me a full copy of his site and database, which I installed locally on my development machine.

There is now a new option on the Advanced tab called Compatibility Mode. Normally, you’d leave this on Standard. But if you’re having problems with My Private Site actually locking the site, switch it to Elementor Fix and see if that helps.

Thanks again to Claes for his help and patience.

Donor Pays Fees 2.0.3

Donor Pays Fees, an add-on to Seamless Donations, moves to version 2.0.3 today. 

There is now a new feature on the Donor Pays Fees setup screen. As users know, there is a user-customizable prompt provided where the donor can choose to pay the additional gateway fee. As initially shipped, Donor Pays Fees replaced the string [fee] with the gateway fee plus the donation amount. Now, you have the option of having it replace with just the gateway fee, or the gateway fee plus the donation amount.

Also, there was a bug in PayPal recurring donations. Previously, even if you had Donor Pays Fees installed, when a donor selected a recurring donation, the donor didn’t pay the fee. Now, when a donor selects a recurring donation, the donation and the gateway fee are both set as recurring donations.

So there you go. Hope you’re all doing well in these crazy days! 



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