Seamless Donations 4.0 kinda works, in an alpha sort of way
All the key elements of Seamless Donations 4.0 now work, and work togetherĀ (mostly). Each of the core elements has been written and tested. These include the new forms engine, the new admin UI engine, the new custom post types, and the PayPal interface that takes data...
Much progress systematizing the admin UI
Yes, I am writing this instead of watching the new season of Game of Thrones. That’s how serious I am about coding this project. You’re welcome. Added tabs to the new admin interface. The Thank You Page tab now works. I also added the Log tab, but to this...
Legacy data migration code and new interfaces complete
I finished the new Funds interface and have a routine that converts legacy funds data into the custom post type we’re using from here on. Seamless Donations 4.0 implements custom post types for funds, donations, and donors. In earlier versions, only donations...