Effective today, Seamless Donations will no longer be updated. Existing add-on licenses will continue to function during their license period but will not renew, at which point they will cease functioning. The add-on store for Seamless Donations is closed as of today.

You may not realize it, but Seamless Donations has been coded, managed, and supported by one guy, me. Having responsibility for ensuring the income of tens of thousands of nonprofits is a heavy load — especially since Seamless Donations does not really provide an income for me or my family. I have a very full-time day job that has become more time-intensive over the years.

While I will no longer be providing any support for Seamless Donations, I’m not leaving you without support. Through WordPress community activities, I’ve known some of the fine folks on the GiveWP team for a decade now. I believe that GiveWP is your best option after Seamless Donations sunsets.

I asked them if they’d step up and help you migrate to GiveWP, and they generously agreed to be there for you. A free version of GiveWP is available. The GiveWP team is also offering a very substantial discount on some of their paid options for Seamless Donations users migrating to premium versions of their plugin.

The GiveWP team will be providing special support resources to all Seamless Donations users wishing to migrate, so if you need help migrating, they are there to help you. 

Click here to learn how to get onboarded with GiveWP and learn more about their exclusive offer to Seamless Donations users. You’ll also see an opportunity to book a demo with the GiveWP Customer Success team who will show you how to move successfully from Seamless Donations to GiveWP.

It has been a true honor working with the tens of thousands of nonprofits Seamless Donations has helped over the past decade or so. It’s amazing to think that just sitting in front of my computer screen and typing code, I have helped nonprofits raise more than $40 million during that time. So if you think that one person, alone, can never make a difference, think again. We all have it in us.

As for me, I’m hoping to have a few more hours to actually get some sleep, and spend some quality time with my family on nights and weekends. May the stars guide your journey, and the constellations align for you.



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