How to export donor information from Seamless Donations
I’ve been asked this question a lot, and while there have been some export plugins available, none make the process as simple as the one I’m about to show you. Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV The plugin is called Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV...
Zoom developer chat: May 6, 2020
We had a another great discussion today. Below is the Zoom chat recording. It’s unedited, so you’ll need to go about five minutes in for everything to start. I hope to do more of these in the future. Thanks to everyone who attended. Stay safe out there....
Seamless Donations 5.0 released! Important tips!
Seamless Donations 5.0 has been released to the WordPress.org plugin archive. The official release version is 5.0.3. Versions 5.0.0, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2 were not released to the archive and were used for testing. Disable add-ons first My recommendation — and this...