Started coding Seamless Donations 4.0. Created an admin-new source folder and a new-admin-loader.php file that is called by the original dgx-donate-admin.php file. The new admin loader will be used to bring in the new library of admin screens while migrating between the two versions. Eventually the old admin views will be removed, but until the new screens are built and working, we’ll have two sets.

Generated SeamlessDonations APF custom APF class with the seamless-donations text domain. The full APF class is located now in the /library folder.

Created ten individual .php files in the /admin-new folder, one each for each of the admin panels. Each .php file instantiates its own panel, which is an early nod to making the entire admin system much more modular. Finally, set new-admin-loader to load each of the panel .php files.

Result today is we have a new main admin menu called Donations, and that brings us an admin page with ten working tabs. Nothing in the tabs yet.

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