by David Gewirtz | Jun 22, 2015
Seamless Donations Developer Codex Back to Seamless DonationsBack to Codex This tutorial will show you how to tap into the power of Seamless Donations’ extensibility functions and take control over many customization options offered inside the plugin. Why hooks?...
by David Gewirtz | Jun 12, 2015
Seamless Donations Developer Codex Back to Seamless DonationsBack to Codex The purpose of the Seamless Donations forms engine is to abstract form elements from the HTML page design such that it will be easier to add, move, delete, and change form elements. A given...
by David Gewirtz | Jun 12, 2015
Seamless Donations Developer Codex Back to Seamless DonationsBack to Codex The cloak/reveal/conceal system is the series of components in the forms framework that manages how the action of one button effects the visibility of another button. The reveal family Each...
by David Gewirtz | Jun 12, 2015
Seamless Donations Developer Codex Back to Seamless DonationsBack to Codex Seamless Donations actions and filters Seamless Donations 4.0 and above support a wide range of actions and filters, allowing you to modify the behavior of the plugin on the fly. Please do not...