All about the Seamless Donations 5.0 beta release
Welcome to the release notes for the Seamless Donations 5.0 beta release. Hopefully, this will be the first and only beta, but only time (and you) will tell. What’s in this release This release includes both the core Seamless Donations plugin and all the...
Get ready for a major new Seamless Donations release
Update: The beta is out. Here’s where you can download it. Here are the release notes. It’s been quite a while since Seamless Donations has had an update. While hurricanes and hospitalizations may have gotten in the way of new coding, we will not let a...
If PayPal suddenly stopped working for you in Seamless Donations
TL;DR: New Seamless Donations 4.0.22 has been released that executes a PayPal compatibility test and removes obsolete IPN URLs. Important Update: There is a post in the user forums that seems to provide answers for some users, which I have incorporated into a new...