Started migrating the funds settings tab to the new framework. The legacy funds record is the WordPress option ‘dgx_donate_designated_funds’ consisting of an array with the key being the fund name and the value being either “HIDDEN” or...
Started coding Seamless Donations 4.0. Created an admin-new source folder and a new-admin-loader.php file that is called by the original dgx-donate-admin.php file. The new admin loader will be used to bring in the new library of admin screens while migrating between...
After years and years of running my own SMTP servers and dealing with all the delivery hassles and quirks, I’ve been very happy to delegate that task to cloud services. We now run our firm’s email through Google’s servers and that works well....
Wow! When it rains, it pours. In a completely strange twist of fate, I’ve adopted another orphan plugin: Better Recent Posts Widget (along with it’s big brother pro version). For those of you who haven’t been breathlessly following along, I adopted...