My little WordPress plugin side project is taking on a life of its own. As you know, last month I adopted two plugins: Seamless Donations and Better Recent Posts Widget. Seamless Donations is an important plugin doing great work for worthy causes and I’ve been a...
Yes, I am writing this instead of watching the new season of Game of Thrones. That’s how serious I am about coding this project. You’re welcome. Added tabs to the new admin interface. The Thank You Page tab now works. I also added the Log tab, but to this...
Can I tell you what’s been keeping me up at night (well, not counting last Thursday’s leftover Taco Bell)? One word: breakage. When I adopted Seamless Donations, I also adopted an active user community. People and non-profits use the plugin every single...
Updated the distribution version of Seamless Donations from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5. This version added an upgrade warning admin message and a very big and very red box on the main Seamless Donations admin page letting folks know come here to get update information on the...
I finished the new Funds interface and have a routine that converts legacy funds data into the custom post type we’re using from here on. Seamless Donations 4.0 implements custom post types for funds, donations, and donors. In earlier versions, only donations...