Just got an annoying error that said Xdebug only allowed 100 levels of function nesting. Well, actually, the error didn’t say anything about the limitation being Xdebug, so I spent quite awhile trying to track down the issue. It turns out that PHP doesn’t...
I’m installing VS2013 to grade a student’s submission (we normally require VS2012, but he’s a good student and it’s high time I had a VS2013 install). The #&$@ thing has been running the install for well over two hours and it’s still...
I spent a good part of the day attempting to get Pods to work on a site I’m doing pro-bono for a non-profit. For some reason, while I understand the extension to content types, I’ve had no end of difficulty getting individual data objects to display. Part...
This is my first experience using the Divi theme from Elegant Themes, and it’s been interesting. It clearly makes building bold sites with a modern look a rather simple process. I did barely any CSS customization (which, given my general tolerate/hate...
For any of you who might want to get a bit of background on my longest-term project, this video (recorded at WordCamp Miami in 2011) should bring you up to...