Some basic notes on Google Fonts API usage
My new project, which sadly does not yet have a codename (or a T-shirt), will be using Google Fonts and allowing its users to use them as well. Here are a set of useful resources on Google Fonts: To use Google Fonts, you will need an API key. Here’s a quick,...
Dial coding notes about Admin Page Framework field type pack
I want to be able to use multiple dials side-by-side. Here are some notes about making that happen. About extra margin at the bottom of the dial Setting the height may remove the bottom margin, like this. ‘attributes’ => array( ‘data-width’ =>...
Date coding notes about Admin Page Framework field type pack
This page contains notes derived from tech questions asked of APF’s developer. Code from the Field Type Pack They are in the directory admin-page-framework-field-type-pack/include/class/admin/demo. About changing the size of the date field in a widget You may...