My Private Site

My Private Site

My Private Site One-Click Privacy Protection for All Your Site's Content Download Free PluginGet Add-ons and Extensions ; Two Minutes to Total Site Lockdown Just install the plugin and click the Make Private button. With just those quick steps, your entire site can be...
Multiple Themes

Multiple Themes

Multiple Themes Select different themes for one or more WordPress pages, posts or other non-Admin pages. Download Plugin Now Theme Anything Use different themes in different parts of your site. Insanely Flexible Select theme using a query keyword or URL prefix. Robust...
Seamless Donations

Seamless Donations

Seamless Donations A Platform for Global Fundraising and Rebuilding Download Free PluginGet Add-ons and Extensions ; Five Minutes to Your First Donation Seamless Donations is so easy to install and configure that your Web site can accept donations via your PayPal...