I spent a good part of the day attempting to get Pods to work on a site I’m doing pro-bono for a non-profit. For some reason, while I understand the extension to content types, I’ve had no end of difficulty getting individual data objects to display. Part if this is the nearly complete lack of documentation about the integration of Pods and iThemes Builder. Part of it is probably my thick head.

In any case, to display a given pod item, you need to provide a slug (basically the identifier of the item). I attempted all sorts of ways to do this, including the incredibly unintuitive {@url.2} (or it’s .0 and .1 variations). None of them worked. As it turns out, for this function to work, you need to set PODS_SHORTCODE_ALLOW_EVALUATE_TAGS to true. I dropped a define into my dev installation of wp-config.php and then the magic tag evaluated.

In a brutal example of the tail eating itself, I put a widget on a Builder page. I used Widget Content in that widget and inserted a pods shortcode. In that shortcode, I used the magic tag. I have got to be missing something, because this process can’t be this convoluted for something this popular.

Update: Further reading on the Elegant Themes site (via “the Google”) showed that there is a way to allow shortcodes inside Pods shortcodes. This also needs to be added to wp_config:


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