Visit the Seamless Donations YouTube playlist for helpful training videos. Check back often, because more are being added all the time.
There are some helpful skills that will help you as you set up your donations site. These easy-to-follow videos will give you the basics of how to use some of the skills most Web designers and developers need to know.
Visit this guide for tips and techniques that can help you diagnose common problems. There are also a series of basic troubleshooting skills videos included.
While many answers can be found in Seamless Donations’ Tutorials and Forums, visit the FAQ for an ever-growing list of questions, answered.
Join the Seamless Donations community, ask and answer questions, and get help setting up Seamless Donations for your nonprofit.
Seamless Donations has extensive support for developers. If you want to extend or customize Seamless Donations on the code level, visit the Codex.
Follow along with David as he adds features and additions to Seamless Donations. Get an insider’s view of the plugin’s design and engineering decisions.

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